inside out...
hanging on.
growth continues..
changing every thing.
Today I am aware of change...and the feeling of being uncomfortable with it. The routine that happens over a period of time...changed..disrupted. I am aware of the feeling that it has turned my world upside down...inside out. Today, I am aware of change...and knowing in my heart that my growth will continue and this growth will change every thing. Today, I am aware that although at the moment this change appears to be blue, it will soon grow a new leaf that will be full of renewed strength and energy. Today, I am aware of change...I am hanging on with my heart.
Artfully Yours,
PS: Today can you see some strength and energy in the change that is going on around you?
Beautiful painting, Pattie! Beautiful words too, and I love your "p.s." as well! Yes, I feel it!
YES!! Me, too! and that new bud that is poking out..trying to grow..hurts a little - like a new tooth (i think i remember that pain..even tho it was aeons ago..lol)
I know that upside down world feeling right now, too (and am currently NOT loving it..BUT...)i JUST remembered (reading your words) that I used to sprawl across the sofa of my childhood home - head down where my feet would "normally" go - to stare at the ceiling..and i thought it was fun then..the world upside down..i'd spend a LOT of time wondering what it'd be like to live that way..upside down..well..maybe there's something to that..i might just go look at the ceiling right now..grin..thanks again, Pattie - you perspective shifter you!!
Oh I hate change too, I wonder if anyone actually likes change. I guess the fear is that change willbe for the worse and not the better. I'm often wrong about that too yet still the fear is there.
I feel a change too.
-I just made a very big decision in my life 2 days ago-I am in my adjustment phase. Change will make me stronger and define who i am...my purpose...my goals...
To flow with the natural rhythm (of change), to explore and grow...
day by day...
choice by choice...
Thank you Pattie for this. I just lost someone very close to me last week. Your words about feeling the world is turned upside down speak to me. Life is blue for me but I have faith that I will continue to grow. This is a time of change is my life, there is more to come and life moves on. Your words bring me comfort and hope for the future so thank you.
Dearest friend,Pattie...
This is so profound..I feel it. The art and words go straight to the heart; and I know they're from the heart. Times like this I call labor pains..for we are definitely giving birth to a new self; sometimes it's a breech birth...and sometimes it's head first, but no matter what, the baby's srength, determination & resilience brings her through. Congratulations, Mom. I'm here as a mid-wife, s needed. :)
Keep letting your light shine :)
I'm sorry that you are experiencing pain...let's ask the Universe to fix this.....
Love You
Bliss Happens!
You have such a gift with pictures and words of reaching the heart of us all every time, Pattie.
I remember just a couple years ago, you wanted to know how to start your own blog... and, baby, look at you now!!
You always reached hearts and had all this artistic talent and love... but now you have figured out how to share, share, and share it some more in so many ways. I'm proud of and oh-so thankful for your vision, courage, strength and luminosity...
Thank you, Pattie..
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