circles of hope...

circles of hope..
surround me...
and love.

Today, I am aware of the circles of hope that surround me...I am conscientious of the energy that others are sending my way...I am taking care of obligations with great seriousness these days, and I realize how much someone else depends on my strength to be able to do this. Today, I am aware that I am surrounded by circles of hope...from myself, but mostly from others...that during this time as I share my dependability to make others comfortable it is these circles of hope, that with great number...great strength...great love...(as I face my challenges ahead)...create a vortex that surrounds me with support and care without even having to ask for it . Today, I feel and am aware of my circles of hope and I am grateful and feel truly blessed to have them close to me...To all my circles of hope....THANK YOU...I love you all....
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the circles of hope that surround you from the people who love you during your time of need?

1 comment:

NicciN said...

Yes, I too am grateful for my circles of hope. Thanks so much for this.