protecting your heart....a dialogue...

Today, although I have tried to do my routine in order to center myself I just am not able to do that...I light my candle ... I have gotten settled in... I breathe...but my mind heart beats to fast and I can't seem to calm any part of my soul. Today, I have a dialogue with myself instead...I am reminded by my friend, Brenda, to place my heart in a pink bubble when I feel surround myself with white light...This mandala came quickly this morning as I do that....I am losing things that I that I have no control over and one perhaps by choice...both hard to handle..both difficult to understand...both will change my life as I know it today. And I am not sure why either of them have to happen...why either of them can't be saved...So I place my heart and those I love in pink bubbles today...I surround them with white light...even amongst the confusion that surrounds us... where they are safe... where I am safe...and I wait silently for answers.
Artfully Yours,

circles of hope...

circles of hope..
surround me...
and love.

Today, I am aware of the circles of hope that surround me...I am conscientious of the energy that others are sending my way...I am taking care of obligations with great seriousness these days, and I realize how much someone else depends on my strength to be able to do this. Today, I am aware that I am surrounded by circles of hope...from myself, but mostly from others...that during this time as I share my dependability to make others comfortable it is these circles of hope, that with great number...great strength...great love...(as I face my challenges ahead)...create a vortex that surrounds me with support and care without even having to ask for it . Today, I feel and am aware of my circles of hope and I am grateful and feel truly blessed to have them close to me...To all my circles of hope....THANK YOU...I love you all....
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the circles of hope that surround you from the people who love you during your time of need?

Color within...

aware of
color within...

Today, I am aware of the color within....I am reminded that nothing is totally black and white...I am aware that when I stay positive I am in the presence of the color that lies within me..When I see and feel those colors I feel grounded...I reframe my thinking...I put things into a different perspective...Today, I am aware of the color within...and I realize my thoughts create my world...when I am focused on the color I have more energy...I am aware of my good dreams. Today, I am aware of the color within and I put trust in the color and believe that things will work out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you focus on the color that glows within you today...seeing beyond the black and white?

Regain Peace

I have not drawn a card from any of my many decks of meditation cards in a very long time. This morning I was called to do that...I shuffle the a little 50 card pick up by spreading them on the floor...close my eyes...and allow my hand to skim the surface of the cards...usually I get a very warm feeling on the palm of my hand and that is the one I pick up...and today, was no exception....This card is a perfect card for me today. With many stressful things going on around me I have not truly been focusing on energy levels have been going to others...Today, I am reminded as I study this card to let peace flow through me. To repeat the words of times when we are in the middle of something that is stressful we try to find a way to control it...Control is something that we cannot do...we have no control over what is going on with others...we really have no control of so many things...Today, I am willing to give up my need to have control over what is going on around me....I set my mind in a different direction...I set my intention to look at the peace that I can feel in order to better serve myself and others....I set my life back into a motion that is familiar to me by listening with strength to my messages....Today, I am grateful that my message was to draw a card...A card that leads me back to my center....A card that allows me to envision a softness of life...A card that allows me to feel peace. Today...I breathe a deeper breath...I breathe life back into myself...
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you find a way to regain some peace in your life today???
PPSS: I posted this over at Artfully Yours, one of my other blogs...but it has meant so much to me this morning that I wanted to share it here with those of you who do not visit that blog...

Transitions...a Reflection


Today, I am aware of transitions...knowing just how natural to life they are. Though they may be painful at times...often unsettling...and confusing....but it is during these times of transitions that we feel a shift taking place. I am aware today, that transitions take place all our lives at different times...some expected...and some unexpected. Today, I am aware of transitions and the changing that is going on around me....I am reaching outside of my shelter for help and guidance...Today, I surrender to this transition...I give love and I open my mind and my heart.
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware of my traveling thoughts...and how I must breathe deeply with compassion and feel the power of my nurturing heart. How even thought at times I am feeling somewhat off center I must continue to grow and reach with a calm and a peaceful center...Most of all I am aware of the united network of love that circles and comforts me.
Artfully Yours,

PS: No matter what transition you might be going through, can you be open to the lesson it has to show you? As you reflect on your week, can you give yourself some time to journal to listen to your heart direct you with love and compassion?

United Network...

a circle...
of comfort...
within my...
united network.

Today, I am aware of my united network...finding common ground while all growing from the same branch of love. I am aware of my united network the circle that forms and comforts me...solidifying and growing stronger....Most of the time we tend to our lives independently, but today, I am realizing how important it is to have others playing a role in my life. Today, I am aware of my united network...widening to give me a bigger base to draw from as I need it...Aware of my gratitude of the support that this united network brings to me. And I thank them with all my heart.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Are you aware and do you have gratitude for your united network that supports you?

off center...

in the middle
of being
off center.

Today, I am aware of being off center...of feeling like I want to escape...Today, I realize that escaping only avoids situations that I need to aware of. Today, I am aware of being off center and I am trying to find ways to cope with the challenges that surround me. Today, I take more deep breaths...I calm myself...I repeat my peaceful affirmation. Today, I am aware of being off center...but I continue to reach....I continue to explore...I continue to grow...all in order to be fully effective and meet my challenges.
Artfully Yours,

PS: When feeling off center are you able to calm yourself with deep breaths to meet your challenges?

nurturing heart...

breathing deeply...
breathing deeply...
breathing deeply...
breathing deeply...
into my
nurturing heart.

Today, I am aware of my nurturing at this moment I am facing issues that need to be addressed...Putting others first...opening up my heart and my energy this morning...breathing deeply...unconditionally supporting....Today, I am aware of my nurturing heart and how I need to bring energy to myself to ease someone cultivate a tenderness...a compassion...a truth...with power...with love....but most of all with strength.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you bring energy to your nurturing heart today to benefit not only yourself but someone else?

traveling thoughts...

on the path...
to day dreams...
to past dreams...
to future dreams...
traveling thoughts
for a moment.

Today, I am aware of my traveling thoughts...aware that they are jumping in...jumping up...and traveling around...making it difficult to truly focus this morning. There are good thoughts...bad thoughts...past thoughts...future thoughts...well thoughts and thoughts of sickness. Today, I am aware of my traveling thoughts and I am making a conscious effort to ground them in the present as they are distracting me from the NOW...but for this moment I let them dance a bit, I turn them over gently...I let them wander as I ease myself back to the present and this new day that surrounds me.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today, if your thoughts wander, can you greet them, and then let them go to bring yourself back into the new day?

Pearls of Wisdom....SPECIAL ADDITION

black and white...
of wisdom.

I do not usually do affirmations on Saturday...but this mandala wanted to be created....and after its creation I listened closely to what it had to say to me...why it needed to come out so badly.

Today, I am aware of my pearls of I question life...question myself...look inward for answers to these questions to improve and to seek my peace.
Today, I am aware of my pearls of wisdom that flow from within...that come from different directions at different times...that finding my peace is an on going process that comes from deep within...that comes from my own path and not that of others or where others think I should be or what they think I should be doing. Today, I am aware of my pearls of wisdom that come to me with my daily daily questions to gratitude...These pearls that tell me to slow fly. These pearls that allow me to know that nothing is totally black and white...but is full of color around another curve...another bend...another thought...full of twists and turns...full of growth...full of decisions...full of love.
Today, I am aware to listen carefully to my pearls of wisdom from within.
Artfully Yours,

PS: This is the first time that I have made a Zentangle...You can learn more about them at their site...They are a lot of fun to do for everyone from 1 to 101! Try it might like it...see what message you can find from your doodle!!

shifting growth...a reflection

shifting emotions...
shifting reactions...
shifting comfort...
shifting growth...
in this new season.

Today, I am aware of shifting...shifting my emotions...shifting my reactions...shifting my comfort...Shifting to better serve myself. As I start my day I am aware of all the shifting that is taking place...shifting in order to determine things...shifting in order to better be prepared...shifting to bring peace and to protect my heart. I am finding that by coming into my silence...into my routine...into my quiet I am better able to focus and reestablish my comfort.
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware of the changing wind that surrounds me and I am aware to experience and accept it without fear or holding back. I am aware of the strength of truth that grows with my acceptance of the changes that are taking place. As I reflect on my week, I am aware that with patience confidence I take the time to grow even among the change. I am aware that with the night...with the stillness I continue to know my dreams and my love. Today, as I reflect on this week I am aware to be gentle and allow myself comfort as I grow into this new season.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Do you have shifting taking place in your life? How can you turn and find a comfort in that shifting? As you reflect on your week are you aware of the positive messages you have been given? Have you journaled today?

changing wind...

the changing

Today, I am aware of the changing wind...with the weather and within me...with the change of the season I often become restless especially during the fall of the year. It is a time when I often rethink and revise. It is a time of memories and love...Today, I am aware of the changing wind...and how change is necessary for growth...learning...experiencing...and although change does not have to be permanent, (for there is another season to follow after this) I am always somewhat fearful to let my leaves fall gently away. I am aware that if I hold back or try to hold on I only hold myself back from accepting opportunities. Sometimes you have to be out of your comfort zone in order to bring new experiences and elements your way...Sometimes you have to be aware of your own changing seasons...your own leaves that need to fall...your own changing wind... to learn how to handle things...adapt. As the weather changes with this new season, I am aware of my own changing wind...knowing that at this moment I am stronger than I was just a moment before.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What winds of change do you realize today?

growing acceptance...


Today, I am aware of my growing acceptance...feeling a level of peace about my future. Realizing that things I have struggled with I now accept more today. Releasing the struggle allows for growth..allows me to feel stronger...allows me to better see the bigger picture. Today, I am aware of my growing acceptance...this allows me to be aware of my current surroundings but also to focus on a brightness that surrounds me without feeling selfish. I am aware that by accepting I am able to stop so much negative energy from flowing so I can feel the brightness. Today, I am aware of my growing acceptance which is allowing me to hear the truth and learn the lessons...I focus today, on my growing acceptance and I am freeing my I wholeheartedly realize that this is not a defeat, but that this is a new starting point toward the future that I face with hope and optimism.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you release a struggle today and allow yourself some growing acceptance in your life?

taking time to grow...

from within.
to grow.

Today, I am aware of taking time to grow...that by taking asking listening for answers I allow myself that time. The wisdom from within shines brightly today, and I am allowing this process of growing...slowly...intentionally...I am feeling confident with my answers...with my timing...with this growth. Today, I am taking time to grow...with consideration...with patience...with love from the inside out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Do you have questions you can ask yourself today to allow yourself to grow?

Night Wisdom...

the stillness...
with my
night wisdom.

Today, I am aware of my night in the silence of the night...enveloped in the light of the moon and the stillness of the stars, I seem to lately have a new found wisdom. Although the source is within me and around me... still it seems that lately this night time has been more of a time to find out more about my true feelings...where I see a different future...feel more confident...enjoy peace a little more and have a sense of knowing and courage. Today, I am aware of my night wisdom where I trust more and I feel the opportunities that surround me and a positiveness. Today, as I listen to my night wisdom and carry it into this day, I am aware of my needs and my desires...and I have faith to manifest my dreams within this wisdom.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Are you aware of what you can carry over from your night wisdom into this new day?

Once more with feeling...

Roxanne over at River Garden Studio has honored me with this award...I am once again passing it along...Here are the rules:
Here are the rules for this award...
The rules for this award are as follows:
1) I have to pick 7 of my favorite blogs and…
2) The winner can put the logo on their blog
3) Link the person you received your award from
4) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
5) Put links of those blogs on yours.
6) Leave a message on the blogs of the ones you’ve nominated.
I would like to give this award to:
Delighted to give and delighted to receive...
Artfully Yours,

life flow....A reflection...

deeply breathing...
letting go...
remaining open...
room to grow...
by letting
life flow.

Today, I am aware to let life flow...that I need to allow this in order to appreciate the beauty of my life. At times this is a difficult thing to do, but I am aware that I must remain open to this. By allowing things just to happen...I realize there is little that I can truly control. By trying to control things I miss so much. Today, I am aware to let my life remain give myself room to allow the growth without questioning it. Today, I am aware to let my life let go and find the richness and the sweetness of the day.
As I reflect on my week I am aware that the more I try to control my life the more out of control I become. That by listening to the voice within I can feel the energy that takes place to allow me to move forward. I am aware that I must allow myself more quiet time to restore and unwind. I am aware that I must be open and conscious to the brighter side of my life. As I reflect on the week I am aware of the same pattern repeating itself over and over for me... TO BREATHE... TO BE STILL... TO BE OPEN...TO TRUST ... TO BE QUIET... TO ALLOW YOURSELF TIME...Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware that by breathing trusting and believing in my inner guidance I can give myself a greater chance to deal with issues and most importantly to embrace new things.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today, can you give yourself the opportunity to allow your life to just flow without trying to control it? As you reflect on your week, what messages did you hear and did you find a pattern to those messages? Did you journal?

Voice Within...

to the
voice within.

Today, I am aware that I have been listening closely to the voice within and following the direction carefully. I have allowed myself to be quiet and reflect more. While, some may question this I realize how important it has been. I am beginning to feel a flow of energy...a growth that is coming from deep allowing myself this time I have been able to look at my feelings and discover where they are coming from and how to better deal with different things. By listening to the voice within I have accepted that this is also a natural part of life...that by focusing inward and on myself I am not being selfish...but rather it is helping me to see signs and signals...that are giving me a better understanding of how to balance my life. Today, I am aware to listen closely to the voice within and be comfortable with that decision.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you listen to your voice within and see what it is that you need to be aware of?

quieting within...


Today, I am aware to give myself some more quiet time...that with all that is going on around me, I need to be aware not to over extend...become overwhelmed...weighted down or dragged down. Today, I am aware to give myself some more quiet time beyond the time that I allow myself in the morning as I set out to do my affirmations. Rather to take a little more time during the day for give me peace...for be let my mind release tension...When things become noisy in my life it can exhaust me. So today, I am aware to give myself some more quiet time to acknowledge my relax and unwind and renew. Today, I listen to the lightness of my quiet time.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Are there 5 extra minutes every day that you can give yourself some extra quiet time just for YOU?


I do not usually put these awards up on this blog...but Judy has been a long time reader and a wonderful soul presence on this site...Always so thoughtful and verbal with her comments, so I honor her here as she has honored me!!

Rules of being tapped for this award.....

1.The winner can put the logo on their blog

2. Link the person from whom you received your

. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Link those blogs to yours

5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you nominated.








Brighter side...

be open...
be conscious...
be truthful...
feel relaxed...
feel growth...
feel loved...
on the
brighter side.

Today, I am aware to see that there is a brighter side to everything. That there are "two sides to every coin"...that one can quiet the negative thoughts by bringing in a positive one. Today, I am aware to be and feel the brighter side of life.
As I have been listening and swimming in my negative self talk over the past few days I see how much the words...the thoughts...affect me...restrict me...defeat me.
Today, I am aware to change my be be more relax in my feel loved. Today, I am aware that the brighter side lies within me...within the center of myself...and when I allow that quiet to speak, even in a whisper, I know the difference between dreams and reality...and I know that it is where growth and love begin.
Today, I am aware to look within and see the brighter side.
Artfully Yours,

PS: During a trying moment...during some negative thought...can you quiet yourself and find the brighter side?

Inner Guidance...

in the
inner guidance.

Do you ever feel like you are a whisper of yourself? That something is amiss but you cannot quite put your finger on what it is? That is how I have been feeling the past few today, as I sit to do my affirmation...I follow my ritual...I light my candle...I quiet myself...
Today, I am aware to breathe...breathe into my whisper...and believe in my inner guidance. By doing so, I am allowing myself to my my others. I am looking toward my inner guidance for direction...for color...for truth...
Today, I am paying attention to hope...
to life. Today, I am aware to believe fully in my inner guidance...
Artfully Yours,

PS: What is your inner guidance telling you today?

A New Dawn...A Reflection

deeper peace.
with this
new dawn.

Today, I am aware of a new dawn. The beginning of a new year for me. Today, I am aware that I need to recover my energy and feel a deeper peace. Today, I place candles and flowers and mental pictures around me...allowing myself to recapture and refresh. Today, I am aware of a new dawn before me with my heart and my mind.
As I reflect on this past week I am aware that approaching my birthday I have been restless...I have been craving change...and allowing my heart to direct me to relax and to listen. I am aware to be quiet and allow the energy to pass in and around me as I give myself wishes of love to light this new year.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you give your self some time today to recover...recapture...and refresh? As you reflect on your week what wishes of love can you give yourself to light your life?


light my
new year.

Today, is the day of my is the beginning of my 58th new year. Today, I take a deep breath and look within for my truest wishes for myself. I explore the areas in my life and my wishes with great hope and wonder. My inward goals for myself seem to be so much different than I sometimes think they are. I am feeling aligned with my self today...I am feeling happy to giving and receiving my wishes for myself. Today, as my spirit guides me I am ready to begin this new year...I am ready to explore my new dreams all lighted by my passion for myself. Today, I welcome this new year with an open heart and new beliefs.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What wishes do you have for yourself today?

quieting energy...


Do you ever feel wound up? Where you feel that you have little to say? That even though you are talking you seem to be saying nothing and you don't feel focused?
Today, I am aware to engage in some quieting energy...quieting and calming my mind that seems to be reeling with questions and emotions. Today, I am aware to be peaceful and full of allow myself to grow. Today, I am aware too give myself what it is that I release some of my regular routines and concentrate on a quiet to ease allow a little change to enter...By doing so I am allowing a little peace...a little bliss and a feeling of self to resurface.
Today, I am aware to honor myself with a little quiet energy.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you give yourself the gift of some quiet energy today to bring some peace to yourself?

trusting heart

open up...
be full...
feel free...
your heart.

Today, I am aware to trust my allow myself to do what speaks to my spirit. To listen to my needs and not be influenced by see and acknowledge the yearnings of my soul.
Today, I am aware to trust my close my eyes and ask what I need to be aware of RIGHT hear my hearts answer without fear...and without feeling selfish.
Today, I am aware to trust my feel the freeness of put my mind aside and lead with my open up...and allow myself to be watch as walls be aware that by trusting my heart I follow my voice... allowing for new prospects and self discovery.
Today, I am aware to trust my heart...making it apparent that these are the real treasures of my treasures are mine for the keeping.
Artfully Yours,

PS: By trusting your heart, what treasures are you aware of today?




to fly
to change.

Today I am aware of change.
Some days do you feel like you just need to break free from your regular routines? Do you feel like you are sitting in the middle of your colorful life?
Today, I am aware that this seems to be a natural part of my life...feeling a need and a desire to change. It happens more so, when I am returning from a time spent away from my home and in a very nurturing environment. When I feel as if I have to adjust...I have to step back into the routines that I have somehow accepted as "just part of life".
My mind races and it wants me to change...change my patterns...change my perceptions...It wants me to explore my experiences...It wants me to be motivated to change.
Today, I am aware of change.
I am aware that even if I only change one small aspect of my life today it is going to make me feel differently...more at ease...more at peace. It is going to bring about a different pattern. By allowing the dark and the light to flow allowing all the colors of my life to penetrate each other this change is going to help me fly.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What one small change can you allow today that will help you fly?