Ribbons...A reflection

in gratitude...
in creativity...
in dreams...
in love...
wrapped up
in colorful

Today, I am aware of the ribbons of gratitude...the ribbons of creativity...the ribbons of dreams..
the ribbons of love with all their specular colors that twirl around me. I am aware that all I need to do is be present to take in all of these pleasures. As I reflect on my week I am aware to trust my intuition and nothing can go wrong... guiding me to the adventures that await my life. I am aware to rejoice in my individuality... that no other can lay claim to. I am aware to honor my hearts' wants and discover the joy that I can bring to myself and others. I am aware of the importance of communication in all of its forms, both silent and spoken...Today, I am aware of the ribbons that swirl and twirl around me and I unwrap them and bring the gifts both inside and let them continuously flow outward as I breathe deeply.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on your week, can you grab one of your own ribbons that twirls around you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am aware of the ribbons that connect me to people - love, friendship :) nice post