
the petals
of truth...
with trust

Today, I am aware of being open. Open to the petals of who I once was, and who I am now. Opening all of the things that have helped to form the person that I am today. Today, I am aware that my willingness to share who I am must be done by being totally the point of being vulnerable. By exposing the whole flower, the leaves that perhaps are ready to fall off the stem and the new growth, comes from my center. Allowing me to expose who I am to myself and to others. By trusting freely I am becoming comfortable enough with both the old and new petals that make up who I am today. Today, I am aware of being open to all aspects of my life.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What are you willing to share to open your soul freely today?

1 comment:

J C said...

This is a beautiful blogsite Pattie. I have bookmarked and will be back. Your art and your words and wonderful and heartfelt. Thanks for visiting me. Nice to meet you.