Let the dreams begin....

the dreams
to begin.

Today, I am aware to let the dreams begin....Some times you just have to let yourself have your joy...your desires...your deepest secrets allowed to come true, if only for a moment....Some times you just have to allow yourself to open up and expand on those dreams....Today, I am letting the dreams begin...to flow outward...Starting from the center and working there way in there various shapes and patterns...Knowing that the happiness that they will bring my way is within my reach...Today, I am aware of letting the dreams begin....once again.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you allow yourself to let your dreams begin again....if only for a moment?

brighter side...

looking forward...
with faith...
to a
brighter side.

Today,I am seeing a brighter side in all that is happening around me....I have faith in things to come...I feel open...I feel present. Lately I have been aware of being lost in fear...I have let that creep into my life more than I care to admit...But, today, I feel a brighter side...I release my misgivings...I look forward...For with this brighter side I can see that there is nothing I can not do to make my dreams come true.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you see the brighter side of your day that will make you feel open and present?

opening up...

opening up...

Today, I am aware of opening up....of reestablishing a sense of trust with myself...At times I find it easier to block or bury my feeling....but today, in the quiet of this morning I am realizing that there are days when nothing makes sense to me...and yet, there are also days like today, when I begin to better understand what it is that I am feeling and what direction those feelings are taking me. Today, I open up more to some of the feelings I have been having...allowing myself to listen to my inner voice and follow the wisdom of my growth and strength...Today, as I open up I am reminded to trust....trust myself... allow myself room for all feelings...and believe that all that I feel will bring me to a place of peace eventually....as long as I start from the inside out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today, can you open up to some of your feelings in order to grow with strength?

within the quiet...

the quiet.

Today, I am aware to be quiet....to truly enjoy my morning ritual of affirmations without moving to fast...I sense both the darkness and the color that surrounds me. So today, I am making a point to pay attention to the quiet....to feel the colors...I let down my guard...I nurture myself with dreams...with new growth...with quiet time. I focus on the gratitude...I relax within myself.
I access my own contentment...I forget for these moments of what is unfolding in the darkness and I see and feel the calming colors of my quiet.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you give yourself a moment to feel the calming colors of your own quiet time?

energy fields...a reflection...

i am
and strengthened
by my
energy fields...

Today, I am aware that all the fields that surround me are full of energy...Some old thoughts...some new thoughts...this energy restores and strengthens me as long as I allow it to...I can be pulled into the negative thoughts or I can allow the energy to take me to the positive things around me...Today, I am aware of the energy fields and I am feeling lighter...I am letting go of old energy and bringing in new...Today, these energy fields bring me a feeling of peace.
As I reflect on my week I am aware that I have been preparing for today....I have been holding on to a positive vision despite obstacles...I have been overwhelmed at times and have been working on restoring my balance...I have listened as my thoughts unfolded around me while centering myself with gratitude...and I have seen the patterns and the colors that have made up my energy in all the different variations. Today, as I reflect on this week I have learned that the energy has been bringing me here...to this day...to this awareness...to these feelings. Today, I am aware to allow the energy to flow in and around me.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on your week can you sense the energy that has brought you to this day?


the pattern...
the color...

Today, I am aware of the variations of things in my life....that even though I think things look the same ...they are different and unique...the patterns may swirl one way for one thing...and yet totally another way for another thing...the color may be the same at first but hues soon become apparent...I am aware today, that one must have variety in life...that no single thing or experience allows us to grow and be complete...that it takes variations in life...in creativity...in love...in ideas...in thoughts. Today, I am aware that in order to grow...in order to take care of myself better I must look at all the variations from the inside out....
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you view a situation today, can you see the variations, and find a way to help yourself grow?



Today I am aware of the many thoughts that are floating around in my head...some I struggle with...some I want to control...others I like to look at...It seems as if lately I have a series of questions before me...some I can answer quickly and honestly from my heart...others no matter how hard I try I can not...but through all of them I feel a pull of gratitude...a sense that I will be provided with answers in time...I am aware of all these thoughts today, and know that I am doing all that I can and that I must just let go of wanting an outcome and trust that life will continue to unfold around me...and that I will continue to listen from the inside out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What can you do today to trust that life will bring you the answers at just the right time?

emotional energy...

at times
emotional energy
I restore
my balance

Today, I am aware of the emotional energy that is around me....I am overwhelmed at times and they feel insurmountable....Today, I know if I can center them I can get through them...find answers...see dreams...feel peaceful...I cannot let these emotions rule me...So I take the energy and I go within...I examine them....turn them over to give myself some peace within the silent stillness of my morning ritual ...to restore my balance.
Artfully Yours,

PS: If you are troubled in anyway today, can you find a way to go within to balance yourself?

Positive vision...

on to a
positive vision

Today, I am aware of holding on to a positive vision...although I have difficulties that are ahead of me, I hold on to a vision of dreams coming true...I hold on to a hope and a light that strength will be around me...Even though I know that I am up against obstacles and stairways that are going to be difficult some days to climb up or climb over I am holding on to a positive vision. I hold on to my flight to reach inward for growth...I hold on to love to sustain me...I hold on to dreams in the making. I am aware that this positive vision will help me to do whatever it takes...to get me through the days ahead of me....Today, I see the positive vision and it helps me to stay in the present.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you go about your day, are you aware of a positive vision that can help you?

loved beyond...

Today, I am posting a special Valentine Mandala....
I am reminded today that I am loved beyond comprehension...
And that I am capable of loving beyond comprehension also...
May your day be filled with all the love you can possibly imagine....and then some!
Artfully Yours,

Happy Valentine's Day

Artfully Yours,

PS: Touch those you love today...gently from your heart!

Daily.....A reflection


Today, I am aware of how I have been listening to my inner self daily....I have been spinning with questions...listening to answers....uncovering new emotions...discovering new found wisdom...I have become so comfortable with this ritual of quiet time that I provide for myself...this time where it has nothing to do with anyone but me....Today, I am aware of how much I have come to count on this daily time for myself....
As I reflect on this week I am aware of the messages that have been brought my way....I am aware of the change that is taking place from black and white into color and know that this is just the beginning of things to come....I am aware that some of the webs of confusion that surround me, are giving way to gratitude and love...dreams and truth...I have been having soft flowing dreams of newness...and the layers of happiness have been revealed to me....Today, as I reflect on this week...I am discovering more and more the importance of my daily rituals...and I give thanks for them.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on your week, what do you notice that you do every day JUST FOR YOU? Can you start your own ritual of silence for 5 minutes each day?



Today, I am aware of the layers of happiness that are being revealed to me. Today especially as I spend time with my littlest of loves....Children and what they show you...reveal to you...so innocent and free with their words and their affection....When did I cover up the layers of happiness that come from running...joyfully jumping up and down...big bear hugs...Today, I am aware of the layers of happiness that were revealed to me...and today...I bring them to the surface to serve me better.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you see the layers of happiness that you have been covering up? Can you uncover one of them at a time?


with a
I am

Today, I am sensitive to dreaming...as it softly is flowing around me...giving me a better understanding of the newness that I am feeling...I take deep breaths of this freshness...I am asking myself questions...listening to my thoughts...acting on these dreams and being more productive...This dreaming is allowing me to feel positive...I am feeling the collection of information of wisdom that has been around me...and I am dreaming of how that is giving me an understanding of what is going on right here...right now...Today, I am sensitive to dreaming.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you allow yourself to be sensitive to your dreams today?


webs of
give way

Today, I am listening to the messages of my truth...I see the webs of confusion giving way to my gratitude...love...dreams...and truth....I am listening to my inner truth ...I am encouraged...I have hope...I feel supported as I resolve my inner conflicts. My messages are getting stronger and I am becoming more comfortable with them each day.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you hear the message of your truth through your web of confusion today?


a change
black and white
to color
is just

There is something about feeling a new beginning taking place from within...seeing and feeling things changing from black and white into color...feeling alive and open. I am aware of that feeling today, I am aware of the transformation taking place within me...around me...bursting open...budding and blooming all at the same time...There is an excitement in that feeling...and a fear that goes along with it also...Feeling that the path to my dreams are being discovered a little more...feeling that I am comfortable here...feeling that even though things may not turn out exactly as I see them right now, I am taking steps...I am feeling the change ....I am allowing myself to embrace them...makes today..just the beginning of things to come.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Are you aware of the changes within you that turn from black and white to color?

breaking open...a reflection

breaking open
my seeds
of wisdom.

Today, I am aware of breaking open...opening my seeds of wisdom...blossoming and growing...seeing an opportunity to learn...to listen...to be aware. As I experience this breaking open I am also aware that there is still more growing to do...more things to learn...and I am becoming more comfortable each day with myself and my seeds of wisdom.
As I reflect on this week I am aware of all the wisdom that has been surrounding me...intellectual ...emotional...creative...physical...I am aware that I have been collecting the seeds of wisdom...preparing them...nurturing them to allow myself to hear them...to see them grow. I have been feeling confident and creative...expressing myself as I awaken to these words of wisdom from within.
Today, I am breaking open as I face this day with my truth and my gratitude.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What can you do to allow yourself to break open your own seeds of wisdom to blossom and grow?

deep within...

to my
to my
to my SELF.

Today, I am aware that I have been going deep within...acknowledging my wisdom...letting go of beliefs that do not serve me well and allowing seeds to be cast and planted. Quietly...and at times loudly I have been hearing the words my heart speaks to me...examining my self...my creativity...my life...Gently...lovingly...hearing. Going deep within the layers...scraping off ...turning over...and seeing different things that have been bringing me to this day...till I finally reach my gratitude. Today, I am aware that I have been going deep within...to my power...to my instincts...to MY SELF...bringing to the surface my truth and allowing it to flow outward.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you examine your self today, gently...lovingly...listening to your gratitude?

an awakening...

an awakening...

Today, I am aware of an awakening going on within me...As my seeds of wisdom surround me...my heart...and my dreams...I am slowly regaining confidence that I have allowed to slip away...I am discovering different ways to creatively express myself both with my words and my actions...I am letting the fear of rejection leave me...Today, I am aware of an awakening taking place within me allowing me to begin this new planting of wisdom...allowing me to express myself...allowing me to feel an openness that I have hidden away lately return to me...slowly...steadily...I awaken.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What can you acknowledge today that can allow you to reawaken to your wisdom...your confidence ...your creativity?

seeds of wisdom...

seeds of
to be
allowed to

Today, I am aware of the seeds of wisdom that I hold within...As I feel the seeds that are ready to burst forth and be deeply planted I am also aware of the choices that I can make...I am aware that I need to nurture and cultivate these seeds from within...with my heart...with my dreams..with my truth. Today, I am aware of these seeds of wisdom and I listen closely...softly..
I approach them from a gardeners mind set...handling them gently...taking care of them...believing in the beauty that they will bring forth in my life...as I allow them to flourish and grow.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What seeds of wisdom can you cultivate today? How can you allow them to flourish and grow?