Waiting...a dialogue...

Today, I am aware that I have been in a waiting mode...and the lessons that it has shown me have been many...
I am aware that flowers and leaves all begin as organisms...seeds...but with time they become visible to the eye...first small shoots appear and we begin to see how ( as we wait for the right time) they uncurl softly...slowly revealing themselves ...their color...their beauty..their strength of endurance against the elements. They are courageous and open and lovingly expose themselves to each of us.
For me, waiting is sometimes a difficult thing to do...I am impatient...I want instant gratification most of the time...But I am finding lately that there is a peacefulness in someways to waiting. To be grateful for this time of waiting... allowing me to feel...to process...to gather information...to be prepared for the elements. I am learning to not hold back...to open up...to give of myself gently (and sometimes not so gently, and yet being forgiven for that vulnerability)...to honor others...and to accept the beauty of others around me and their love with an open heart and open arms. There is wisdom in waiting...a new lesson I am learning. I feel it around me...with every breath...with every rain drop...with every sunrise...with every hello...with every hug...with every heart felt wish...with all of my heart. Today I am aware of waiting and the lessons that I am learning as I quietly wait for answers.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you find a lesson as you silent wait for your answers?


Barbara said...

As I wait, I still must breathe, take nourishment and care for those dependent on me. Maybe in the living I will find the life.

Unknown said...

waiting births patience...observing...accepting..
this is a lovely image..it exudes LOVE