Both sides...

in the middle
of both sides....

Today, I am aware of seeing both sides of things...."two sides to every coin"... I am aware of seeing different perspectives ...trying to create a harmony between the two....Today, I am aware that no matter what my head matter what I hear or what I see...I am aware that if I stand in the middle where my heart responds...where love flows freely...understanding comes easier... I am stronger....I balance here in the middle ground I look at both sides...I remain open...and positive. Today, I am aware of the energy that flows from my heart here in the middle ground between two sides...
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you find the middle ground where you listen to your heart?


Anonymous said...

what a lovely post, pattie :-)

MeowGoddess said...

I love this one Goddess Pattie.

Yes, seeing different perspectives and creating harmony.

I hold you in my heart - yes you are strong and balanced, my Goddess.

Go Goddess!!!

Thank you for sharing of yourself and of your heart.

Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana