Colors of life....a dialogue

I do not do Yoga...and I am not totally UP on what the chakras mean...but this mandala came forth this morning...They are the colors of life for me...they are what I paint with a lot of the times and they feel strong and wonderful to me. As I sit in a confusion of time right now, these colors sooth me...they make me strong...As I am surrounded by so many well wishes and white light from so many wonderful hearts ...that make me feel the love that they bring my way. This mandala as simple as it is came pouring forth with a great healing power....allowing me to center myself...allowing me to be aware of the strength of color that surrounds me...allowing me to breathe and feel a little feel the light of healing....I am aware of the 7 chakras and the focus that I and others are focusing on. Today....I feel a little, I face things with my head a little I wear my colors....Today, I focus on the colors that are in my life and I pull them close and then send them out to those in need. Thank you to all the wonderful souls who visit...who are sending the positive energy my way...and to those who also are in need to of these wonderful colors of life know that they surround you also.
Artfully yours,

PS: Can you feel and see the colors of positive energy that surround you every day?


Barbara said...

That is a beautiful mandala and the colors are positive and soothing for me. And the bluebirds continue to come into my yard! This morning there were 4 and they have lost most of their fledgling down. I swear one of them just sat on the perch and watched me as I watched him! So I'm sending some bluebird happiness your way today!

Unknown said...

when i look at this mandala, i see a clam grinning...must be high tide!

Doe Grozs Art said...

these are such yummy, sweet colors.. soothing and warm.

Anonymous said...

This is so lovely, as are all your mandalas and the associated words. I am still waiting for your book that will display your work. Anything new on that?