
the abundance
of my

Today, I am aware of the abundance that is in my life. Today, I am aware to recognize it and share it...It is not wealth that makes me feel abundant or successful in the monetary sense.
But rather it is a positiveness...an affirmation...a belief in myself and in others...it is being able to use my creativity...to be aware of love...to dance in happiness...and surround myself with joy. It is the simple gesture of sharing that shows me the true amount of abundance that surrounds me. It is not comparing myself to others that is allowing me to feel rich and full...It is knowing that I have much to give not only to myself but to others as well...It is by recognizing my abundance that is allowing me to make a difference in my life today. Today, I am aware of the abundance that I am releasing to myself and to others.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What part of your abundance can you recognize and share today?


MeowGoddess said...

Yes, it is in the "simple gesture of sharing" that reMINDS me of how much I have been given and all that I am grateful for.

Thanks for helping me reMEMBER, Goddess Pattie.

Keep sharing, my Goddess.

Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana

Martin MY said...

Lots of questions that need tninking about, don't think many get put in that situation.

Thank you for asking it's got me thinking now.

Good 'thinking' blog.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

instead of one i decided two, because i felt it, i mean, my intuition told me, it is two, Carmen...

Judy H said...

Today I am feeling the overabundance in my life of "stuff". In getting ready to move I have things I haven't even touched in 4 years (since the last move) and will have a porchful of "stuff" to give the charity for others who need them to use. Sometimes our physical abundance is a burden and not a joy.