ENJOY! The New Year...

ENJOY...the love...the laughter...the dreams...the memories...
the possibilities...the creativity...the fun...the beginnings...the waves...
the greatness...the gratitude...the humbleness...the searching...the tears...the wonderment...
the magnificence...the abundance...the beauty...the growth...the happiness...the kindness...the nonsense...the openness...the real...the situations...the tenderness...the underlying messages...the fantastic...the holding on...the letting go...the family...
the friends...the net of hope...the belief...the connection.

Artfully Yours,

PS: Every year I pick a word to focus on ....what will your word be this year?


Toni said...

What a rich mandela, one of the best I've seen all year. Can I come LIVE there? Meanwhile, all the discussion with Rice's online group yesterday got me thinking, and my word is BELONG.

Doe Grozs Art said...

I like that. simple. enjoy life... it says it all. every blessed moment!
I sure do enjoy your mandalas:-)
Wishing you peace and joy in the new year.

BeTsY said...

i love your inspiring message, thank you.
--I actually have a few words
that come to mind,-time,peace,
courage, strength....
but my focus is on SERENITY...
Blessings for the New Year...

Cheryl Finley said...

Hello dear-heart :)
What a colorful and celebratory post! Thank you!!

My Guiding Light word for 2009 is "Bloom!"


Anonymous said...

Although simply reading your these things, but I still can not help but praise from the heart, a good blog!

Anonymous said...

Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

still tempted to say: really good!
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