
the warmth
of this
sunny day...
for a

Today, I am aware of feeling sunny...feeling warm...feeling positive...raising my face up to meet this day. I feel if nothing can hold me back...hold me down. Today, I am aware of the sun shining outside and inside....I take steps to complete my regular routines with a positive flow...I let go of the things that I cannot control and look for the positive in the events of the day.
Today, I am aware of feeling sunny...I face this day with my petals out stretched and accept all
that comes my way with a delightfully sunny and warm feeling from the inside out!
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the warmth of the sun from the inside out today?

1 comment:

Cheryl Finley said...

Oh Pattie...I fell in love w/sunflowers last summer..yours are gorgeous :) By the way, my SoulCollage workshop is this weekend..afterwards I will be finishing your doll and sending her to you soon!
here's a hug from me.. (((0)))