
with innocence
from the past...
with wisdom...
from the future...
to be
present today.

Today, I ask myself questions as i ready myself for the New Year...I ask advice from my younger self from the past and my older self that I am yet to be. Today, I see my present and grow with the innocence of youth...the wisdom of my age yet to be...Today, I ask myself allow myself to enjoy life guide advise blossom and grow.
Today, I ask myself questions and listen for answers from my past and my future to capture my dreams for today.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What questions do you have about the present that your past and future self can help you answer?


NicciN said...

This is beautiful. The questions on my mind are all about how to integrate a sense of living from the inside out, how to make what makes me heart sing part of my daily activities, and how to be bold and take chances on fun and adventure.

Anonymous said...

A long time do not see such a good work, and my mood changed Well, a good start, good BLOG!
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Anonymous said...

Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!