a series of
Today, I am aware of a series of changes taking place...within and around me...swirling with color...with energy...with passion and with fear...Change taking me into an area that is unexplored...and yet is filled with possibilities...with adventure...with new dreams...I venture forward with anticipating this new beginning.
As I reflect on this week I am aware that these changes have been presenting them self to me daily...With the outward releasing of some passions that needed to be completed..needed addressing...with the exposure of both the shadow and the light of my truth...By allowing the patterns to open and free my emotions...and with the positive attention I have been aware of generating from my center...As I reflect on this week...I am aware of the fear that goes along with the series of changes before me...but I am also aware of the calm that I am feeling that comes from deep within that recognizes that change is something that must come in order to grow.
Artfully Yours,
PS: Today, as you reflect on your week do you see any changes that you can embrace in order to be aware of your new dreams?