Deep within...

with love...
with compassion...
I release
the energy
that has
been buried
deep within.

Deep within there are parts of me that I do not like to look at...there are emotions that I do not like to feel....But if I do not allow them to come out they end up being energy that is stuck and I become uncreative...detached from myself. ..depriving myself of raw energy. I have done this for many years, but this year has been different for me...this year I am aware that I am processing some of those "stuck" feelings...those deep emotions and I smile. The treasures of energy that has been buried seems to be pouring out of me courage to look at those parts of me in a different way...allowing me to see things dream a little more and to feel love and compassion for myself and others.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you look deep within and see yourself a little clearer with love and compassion?


NicciN said...

I really needed this one right now. Thank you so much.

BeTsY said...

These past few months
I feel the same way...Trying to summon up strength and courage to face the truth within myself...
Expressing these feelings is difficult-
it sorta feels like a 'rebirth'----