Beautiful gift....

the beautiful gift of...
that we all share...

Today, I am aware of how we are all quite different...each of us in our separate way...and yet,
we are all uniquely the same. We are all somehow wrapped in different containers...different bodies...different ribbons and bows...however, we all experience loss and grief...happiness and excitement...fear and loving...growth and standing still. We all have issues and choices that we have to make...the truth of it all is that we are all learning...we are all growing...and it allows me to see how much we all have in much of life's joys and challenges are universal. Looking beyond the different containers to the the heart...Today, I honor the beautiful gift of life each of us has that makes us the same that allows us to grow from the inside out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today, how can you honor your gift of life?

1 comment:

laurel said...

I so agree with you. So many times someone will complain about this group or that group and what they do or don't do and I always want to say we are all just people. We gather together in various groups but we are still just mere mortals with the good, the bad, and our individual struggles. The issue is not really what others do but what we do. Do we show others respect and concern? Do we let others be first rather than making ourselves first? To me the gift of life is aobut giving back the love we have been given.

Thank you as always for your sharing of yourself on a daily basis.