Thinking .... a reflection...


Today, I am aware that my thoughts are far ahead of me!! I am THINKING!! I am dreaming...I am musing...I am planning...I am considering...Paths...avenues...adventures...goals...all with hope. I am aware that I am thinking...with details...with strength...with fear...with love...I am thinking of creating and fulfilling. Today, I am aware of thinking soulfully.
As I reflect on my week, I am aware that my spirit has been high...that my colors have been bold and changing. I am aware that I feel cradled in tender support of who I am and what I do. I am aware that there is so much abundance in my life that I must take the time to stop and recognize and share it. I am aware that I must listen ...carefully...gratefully. That there is a sense of harmony that is deep and allows me to be receptive to my messages and the messages of others. And that I am aware of the safe and comfortable calm I feel when I allow serenity to guide me. Today, as I reflect on this day and my week, I am aware that I am constantly thinking.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you visit your day, and your week, did you make note of what you were thinking?


Doe Grozs Art said...

Very aware of playfullness this week. Not only was I allowing this playfullness, being conscious of it for myself, but also allowing and encouraging it in others... a looser, more flowing attitude.
Thank YOU for sharing your art and insights...

DMG said...

Today my colors are definitely bold, playful, and free. I'm dancing with hope and letting " my freak flag fly" over at Amusing Muses on this Fourth of July.

Lisa said...

I love your colors and everything about your mandalas.

I am aware of an opening up of my creativity and of feeling a sense of adventure!

Cheryl Finley said...

Hi Pattie,
I am...and have beenn aware for a while of my expanding gratitude for healing, and dreams/goals coming into form. I am aware and grateful for the synchonicity of people and opportunities that I am able to embrace. I am aware of my love and appreciation of family...divine-right timing even if it's not my timing. I am aware of the precious gift that life is. And...I am aware of how rich my life it because of my online creative family...which of course...includes you.

DMG said...

This morning as I prepare to leave for a vacation to celebrate my Silver Wedding Anniversary, I am reflecting on the abundance of my life for the past 25 years: my precious family, a job that brings me fulfillment every day, my nurturing home, my garden, my art, and my friends. I will be gone for 10 days and don't know if I will have Internet access, so I'm taking my journal to try to write my own affirmations as you guided me. I will be back to visit when I return and until then I will continue musing...planning...dreaming...considering...thinking about the coming 25 years.

Laura said...

Hi Pattie
I've been having a pretty rubbish and uninspired couple of weeks but as has happened before - stopping by your blogs has cheered me up! I realised that I can reflect on it as being in the past now and begin to move forward. We all have rough patches right? Plus even if I am feeling a bit fed up, your words made me realise I can still record how Im feeling. In fact its usually theraputic to do so. So thanks as always for the great art and inspiring words.
Laura x