Artfully Yours,
I would like to take this moment to Welcome all the new visitors, and of course a warm hello to those of you who visit daily. This journal has been on going for several years now, and is a place where I share who I am with myself and with you the reader and hope that you will find inspiration and encouragement as you need it. I have received so many mails asking how I do these affirmations, so I am once again posting this older explanation for those who need a little extra guidance. The one thing I do know...is that there is no right way...or wrong way to do them, as long as you listen to the direction that your spirit...your muse...your soul...is taking you... My heart is open to each and everyone who visits...please feel free to leave a comment...a thought...a word....an affirmation of your own. From one creative soul to another...I wish you all a glimpse into your true self.
An affirmation to me, is a question I propose to myself every day and then listen closely to the answer to that question...the answer comes from deep within me.
An affirmation is a personal practice where you honor your heart...
An affirmation mirrors the gentle stirrings of your soul...
The more you do this the more comfortable and aware of your own voice and your own skills you become...
The more you do this the more messages you are open to...
And the closer you come to your true self...
First: you must be willing to be OPEN to the messages...
Rhythm: you must be willing to find your own creative drumbeat...it could be in the morning to cleanse and clear yourself and start your day....or it could be in the evening as a reflection...
Time: you must be willing to claim some time for yourself...
Place: you must be willing to provide yourself with a place where you can collect your affirmations , your artwork, and your spirit...it can be loose papers, it can be a special journal, it can be anything you wish to place your thoughts on, the one thing it needs to be is a place where you honor who you are....so make it a special place.
So, begin to focus on the FUN you will have while you become more aware of your voice and the messages you have to give to yourself...
Artfully Yours,
PS: one of the questions that I ask myself is: WHAT IS IT THAT I NEED TO BE AWARE OF TODAY? When I am quiet...and listen...a word...a thought...sometimes a whole sentence comes to me. I then dig a little deeper as if to say...tell me more...I leave each affirmation that I place here with a question that can help you start your own affirmation journal easing you into listening to your own answers. I will see you here in a week...till then I wish you a quiet moment for you to explore...from the inside out.