heart song...

listening closely to the song my heart sings...filling me with happiness and joy...

Today, I listen to my heart song....the gratitude of it...the softness of it...the growth of it....the swirling and the expanding...
Today, I listen to my heart song...as I go forward into this day ....being open...being gentle...being loving...
Today, I listen to my heart song...humming along with it....singing out loud with it...letting it whisper to me....
Today, I listen to my heart song...and I feel the happiness and joy surrounding me.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you hear your heart song today?


Laura said...

This mandala reminds me of the Pennsylvania Dutch Hex signs on barns I would see near my home when I was a little girl.

Cheryl @ Mandala Oasis said...

This is a heart song.. my heart sings when I see it :)