dream catcher...

imagining...rich details...brilliant colors...designs and patterns...I capture my dreams.

Today, I am aware of catching my dreams...setting time just to dream...to be part of those dreams and to capture there essence.
Today, I am aware of catching my dreams...of imagining...seeing rich details...brilliant hues of color...designs and patterns weaved through out my mind.
Today, I am aware of catching my dreams....letting go of negative thoughts...and things that seem to limit me....focusing on the inward swirl...positive energy...and the belief that anything is possible.
Today, I am aware of catching my dreams...guiding me from the inside out with my heart.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What dream for yourself can you capture today?

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Oh Pattie.. this is a beautiful dream catcher.. makes me think of dreams...weaving in my imagination..
thank you for your daily inspiration:)