happiness....a reflection

relaxed...contented...happiness shifts me to love and light to see the positive.

Today, I am aware of happiness...happiness that comes from within...that comes from laughter...
joy...bring positive experiences.
Today, I am aware of happiness...the relax feelings...contentment...and how when I choose happiness, it shifts me...anger...guilt...sadness have no hold on me.
Today, I am aware of happiness...allowing love and light to see all the positive around me.
Today, I am aware of happiness...allowing it to fill me with joy in the moment of NOW.

As I reflect on this week I am aware that I have been rejoining...remembering...redefining...life
love...creativity. That by directing myself inward I honor my truest desires. I am aware of the warmth that generates from the inside out with gratitude...inspiration and encouragement for myself and others. I am aware that all destinations have an ebb and a flow but offer new perspectives...understanding and change. And when I shift to happiness I can feel...see...and live from the center.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on your week, what happiness can you honor?

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