Reaching out...

as I
reach out.

Today, I am aware of my need to reach out....knowing that I seek a way to share my feelings and thoughts....dreams and fears....To express myself and allow my fears to dissolve and my dreams to manifest. Reaching out for support and love...allowing the energy that is bottled within to be released...allowing myself to trust that which is within and exposed will be honored and I will be comforted. Today, I am aware of my need to reach out so that I can be better prepared for the road that lies ahead.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you allow yourself to reach out today with your truth?


Barb Smith said...

Beautiful, as always, Patti. I always feel so thoughtful and introspective after I read your blog posts.
Peace & Love,

Barb Smith said...

Patti...I've thought about this all day. You really got under my skin with this one...I'm not sure why, but it's got my wheels turning. I just wanted you to know.
Peace & Love,

Journal Swag said...

Beautiful. I'm reaching out to you across the whole country! Amazing, huh? Believe it, I am sending you comfort and possibilities and some happy surprises along your very hard and rugged path. Look for the patches of green soft grass.
