Strong desires...

in comfort...
in dreams...
in creativity...
in acknowledgement...
my strong desires

Today, I am aware of my strong allow my mind to share be exchange thoughts and feelings. Strong desires that allow me to let comfort share the most personal sides of myself. Today, I am aware of my strong desire to listen to the input of others and accept their offering. This strong desire is allowing ideas...dreams...and creativity a direction...a way of become a reality. Today, I am aware of my strong desires that allow me to take the hand that is offered to me...for support...for guidance...for acceptance...for love. Today, I am aware of so many strong desires that I acknowledge and improve upon...that I recognize that I am allowing them to flourish.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What strong desire can you allow to flourish today?


Anonymous said...

"and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

To have my life burst forth into full bloom as an artist, as a woman, is my strongest desire. The two bloomings are the center of the same rose that refused to remain shut tight, and began to unwrap out of the bud when I turned 40. It is unwrapping one petal at a time, a little faster since I've turned 50.
I can't force the process, but I know that my Goddess sees it as a beautiiful thing, each petal in its own perfect time, at a point in my life where something new unnfurls, opens a little more and reveals a layer beneath it waiting its turn to unwrap and curl open. Someday when the last petal has unfurled and my core, my soul, at the center of the rose will be bared and visible to Goddess' eyes. I hope I am feeding it with enough love and light and beauty, so that when I am gone the fragrance left in my wake is beautiful and pleasing, and provoking a smile.

Charlie said...

Dittos to you...
Lets check back in 2 or 3 years and as you said if all else fails we'll go together.

rivergardenstudio said...

I too am feeling pulled by other artists, to listen, to learn at to watch the projects that they create. I love this post and your newest creation! Roxanne

laurel said...

I'm with you there although I think I'm overwhelmed by all the things I see that I want to try. I'm like a kid in the candy shop having trouble picking one thing to start with. I'm also like Luna where I think I started growing creatively after turning 40 three years ago. I wonder if I needed to grow up a little more. And your art is lovely as always.