Loving Nature...A Reflection

without words...
loving nature.

Today, I am aware of showing my loving nature...that by being attentive..by being honest...by staying true to how I feel I can communicate my feelings...my dreams...my hopes and desires clearly without words. Today, I am aware of showing my loving nature and how sometimes words can confuse me. So many times there can be multiple meanings to a word...one word misplaced or misunderstood can confuse and be misinterpreted. By showing my loving nature...by touching...by connecting...by joining nothing is misunderstood and the message comes directly from my heart. Today, I am aware of showing my loving nature... allowing the depth of my feelings to be displayed.
As I reflect on my week I am aware that I have been surrounded by a great deal of positive energy that shines around me. I am aware of a fullness that I feel from all directions and my strong desires have been acknowledged and allowed to flourish. Today, as I reflect on my week, I realize that I am unfolding more and more every day.
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on this day what part of your loving nature can you show to yourself and others? As you reflect on your week what messages did your heart speak to you?


Liz said...

Wow ... I am a first time visitor and all I can say is wow. Your affirmations and illustrations are beautiful ... and inspiring. Your nature is loving indeed. xo Liz

laurel said...

Hi Pattie, just popping to catch up on my reading and to say hi. Enjoying catching up on your affirmations and your lovelies that go with them.