
This week I will be sharing with you pages from one of my older affirmation journals. I will not be sharing my regular journal for the rest of the month...I have gently given myself permission not to journal if I do not want to this week....and next week I will be out of town. I will start up again in September as it will be the beginning of a new year for me...(as it is my birthday month.)
You will see that these journal pages are quite different from what they have evolved into now...and I am sure when I look back on the pages done in 2008 several years from now, they will look quite different to....which means...I continue to grow...
I hope you enjoy these affirmation pages...some of the lessons I am still revisiting and learning.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you be gentle with yourself today?


Barbara said...

I admire your work whether it is "old" or "new". Most of all it shows growth as you explore your own possibilities. I had an interesting reaction when I popped open your blog today: I first noticed the chameleon and said Wow! Then seeing a square shape intead of the circle of the mandala made me think of where I am directing my self. Working in the corporate world we were always told to think outside of the box, which, of course, was the lingo for being creative. I have no problem being creative in business or art. As for myself, I find that the angles of the square are often traps where the debris settles. So keeping the flow of the circle is smoother and no corner traps. As long as I continue to grow the circle continues to grow in circumference.

I look forward to this week, seeing your work before I had the pleasure of 'meeting' you. I too, will be traveling next week so I pray we both have safe and exciting journeys.

Charlie said...

Yea... my birthday month is September too. We can celebrate together.
I like this one, and can't wait to see more of your older pieces.
As always I love reading your affirmations. They really resonate with me.
Have a fun trip.