Reflection Fr "I" day...

This is how I started to teach myself to reflect on the week...I broke it down into sections and tools by being very repetitive with myself on how I did the affirmation...where I did them..what time I did them...setting up a routine and a pattern to follow. And finally for staying the course I would give myself a reward!! (we all like to be patted on the back for a job well who better to do this for than ME!!) I have had computer problems for the Past 24 hours...So lucky YOU ....2 posts today!!!
Artfully Yours,

PS: As you reflect on your week did you stay the course? Did you reward yourself for a job well done?


Karen Salva said...

These are all fabulous, the words, the colors...and you have some prety nice handwriting! rewards are stacking up in my Dick Blick shopping cart!!! The only material rewards I ever want can usually be found there! I have an abundance of life rewards already!

Square-Peg Karen said...

oh oh..i stayed the course in decluttering...ok, not as fun as artmaking..but it will lead to being able to find my stuff - new directions - all that good stuff

i'm so proud..grin..glad you asked this question...

rivergardenstudio said...

Your affirmations are wonderful, and the way you designed this journal page is beautiful. I am inspired! Roxanne