mirrored images...

seeing myself
thru others.

Today, I am aware of mirrored images...seeing myself in the reflection of others...my expectations...my feelings...my spirit.
Today, I am aware of mirrored images...allowing myself to give without expecting others to do the same...
allowing myself to see their image, knowing although it looks like mine, their outcome may be different...their thoughts...dreams...feelings...completely different from mine...allowing them to walk their own path...as I walk mine.
Today, I am aware of mirrored images...I will work on seeing myself thru my own eyes...seeing myself clearer...seeing the pearls of wisdom that those mirrored images offer me to release control to better enrich my life.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Do you see the mirrored images? How can you release control of them in order to enrich your life?

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