lost in thought...

releasing emotions...
searching my soul...
finding direction...
taking time to examine...
i find myself...
lost in thought.

Today, I am lost in thought...trying to release emotions....find some answers.
Today, I am lost in thought...searching my soul for direction...reflecting...honoring.
Today, I am lost in thought...taking time to examine...turnover...move some turmoil...find
more gratitude...
Today, I am lost in thought...Today, I am examining my emotions to better see myself.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can your emotions better help you see your true self?


Royce Addington said...


Your brilliance, talent and Light shine from each post! A renegade Haiku to Honour You From The Inside Out:

Traveling through Thought
NOT for the faint of heART
Today's Inspiration
Welcomes The Gift of You

Kathryn Costa said...

What a powerful question. Emotions are part of my internal compass. They help me to navigate. If I feel anger or sadness, I take notice just as I do when I feel energized and excited. The emotions are a starting point that help me to communicate and understand my internal landscape. Thank you for the great question. I'm inspired by your mandala work. I've been wanting to keep a daily mandala journal.