taking control of my personal power...
Today, I am aware of simple flight...a flight that is allowing me to own my emotions...to acknowledge them...to give name to them...to express them...all the while allowing me to start a simple flight forward.
Today, I am aware of simple flight...taking control of my personal power by being able to acknowledge the essence of my emotions allowing me to take flight.
As I reflect on this week I can NOW see clearly that my emotions have been weaved into cocoons that I am slowly unraveling...that I have been filling space with both the things that nourish me and that serve me no purpose...I have been asking for inner guidance to sort through and weed out...Allowing me to weave a dream catcher to see the rich details and brilliant colors that shine around me as I move closer to myself and my truth...my happiness...allowing me to take a simple flight without fear.
Artfully Yours,
PS: As you reflect on your week what has allowed you to take control of your personal power in order to start a simple flight?