Feelings....A reflection


Today, I am aware of the abundance of feelings growing within and around me...gently...carefully nurturing and recognizing each one. Some of these feeling have been reawakened and form new growth...some are filled with a fire of passion...while others hold answers that are unfolding...and new growth to appear and take place...insight...consideration ...love...respect...esteem...and creativity blossom. Today, I am aware of the feelings that are growing and forming new buds to awaken me.
As I reflect on my week I am aware that many feelings have been surfacing...feelings that have had a sleepy winter but now spring forth as changes are taking place. There has been a lightness of gratitude that has given me a flooding of joy that surrounds me and what I do...causing me to be very aware of the little effort it takes to smile...to laugh...to love...that all these feelings have different directions...colors...people...circumstances that help fulfill my love and dreams..
Today, as I reflect on my week I am aware of all the feelings that surround me and how they are both independent of each other and yet very much intertwined.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today, can you see the colors of your feelings growing...both independently and intertwining?

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