my 7


Today I see all the directions I am going in...pulled in...some of my own making...some that are so pleasurable that I can barely contain myself at times...some that destroy me...some that I have no control over (or so I think) some that lead to no where...and some that are just in the making....

Today, I see the spaces that are in between those directions...I see the gaps...some filled with fear...some filled with nothing to hold on to....some filled with choices and possibilities...all are filled with a silence of sorts...


Today, I surrender to this silence that lies in between...I am a spectator....watching...waiting...

Today, I do not despair because some directions are ending....I do not feel anxious because some directions are unclear....

Today, I feel the treasure of this silence....and I believe that I am changing direction...that something amazing is about to happen...

Artfully Yours,


PS: How can you watch the out going and the in coming in the gap of your silence today?

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