my 9
...she felt the warmth that she wrapped around herself...
...she felt the warmth and knew she was safe.
I am the protector of your heart...the one who wraps you in the quilt of safety.
I am the protector of your spirit...the one who gently guides you to your dreams.
I am the protector of your gratitude...the one who shows you the kindness from within.
I am the protector of your hurts...the one who surrounds you with warmth.
I am the protector....I am always wrapped around you....just be still and know me.
I am the protector ...
I will not let you fall...
Today, as I begin another chapter in my hero's journey I have begun to find my Archetypes...
the goddesses that help me on my journey...the ones within me...
Today, I am aware that the present one is the protector...who provides me with a quilt of warmth during my "coldest" of times...when I am vulnerable and sad...and yet, I am aware that she is always with me...
Artfully Yours,
PS: How do you protect yourself...your heart...your gratitude?
my journey 8
Today, I am aware of a lonely feeling that generates around me....a darkness of sorts....and yet,
I know I am not alone...
I am taking time this morning to transfer that feeling to a see the light of me shining across the sea of my hold on to my dreams in this see a strength coming from step out of the darkness and the be brave enough to expose capture the light of me...
Today, I will be my own light....I will guide myself through the currents...
Artfully Yours,
PS: How can you guide yourself through the currents in order to see your own light?
my 7
Today I see all the directions I am going in...pulled in...some of my own making...some that are so pleasurable that I can barely contain myself at times...some that destroy me...some that I have no control over (or so I think) some that lead to no where...and some that are just in the making....
Today, I see the spaces that are in between those directions...I see the gaps...some filled with fear...some filled with nothing to hold on to....some filled with choices and possibilities...all are filled with a silence of sorts...
Today, I surrender to this silence that lies in between...I am a spectator....watching...waiting...
Today, I do not despair because some directions are ending....I do not feel anxious because some directions are unclear....
Today, I feel the treasure of this silence....and I believe that I am changing direction...that something amazing is about to happen...
Artfully Yours,
PS: How can you watch the out going and the in coming in the gap of your silence today?
my 6
There are days when I can be SO HARD on MYSELF! No one else does this to me but ME!
I allow the blue funk to take over....I allow the negative to be pulled into me...I allow myself to spin out of control....BUT NOT TODAY!!!!!!
Today, I give myself permission....permission to be the woman I know I am....the one who flies
and soars on wings of her own colors....the one who is so soft inside that she is like a marshmallow, that is sweet and gooey...the one who is gentle with nature and with herself....the one who is loving, to all that she meets but especially to the dreams of her heart....the one who is kind and generous of spirit....the one who is sincere and truthful with her direction...with herself...with all that she is....
Today....I give myself permission to JUST BE!
Artfully Yours,
PS: How can you allow yourself to "JUST BE" today????
my 5
Often times I get out of whack....there seems to be no balance...between "duties" or every day tasks and creative time...Sometimes it is so out of whack I have to and being a perfectionist of sorts I get mad at myself for doing that....but not I give myself permission to try and find different solutions that work for me....I try out my wings...I give myself permission to connect on both sides of the scales to find the gratitude in see the happiness in each....Today, I give myself permission to do some SOUL spring cleaning and allow that balance to be just matter if it tips to one side or another...or if I take a nap and let myself rest!
Artfully Yours,
PS: How can you help yourself to believe that your scales are perfectly balanced no matter where they are leaning?