heart beat...

the miracles
of life...
with the
of my

Today, I am aware of the beating of my heart...how with breathing in and out without thinking...effortlessly...
I live every day.
Today, I am aware of heart beats...that even in the middle of different situations that distract me I can feel the beating of my heart sustaining me...
Today, I am aware of heart beats...how there is more living to be done...more loving to show...and wings that still need to be grown...
Today, I am aware of heart beats...allowing the miracles of life to be witnessed with gratitude.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What does the beating of your heart whisper to you?


donna!ee said...

as always, thrilled to see your posting today...sparks a greater awareness of gratitude & breathing deeply for today! ;)

Royce Addington said...

Now...Oh Goddess of Talent...this is just plain eerie - like hairs standing up on the back of the neck! Last night I posted your "My Heart is a Sweet Maui Onion" piece on MUSEologies after listening to an incredibly inspiring class from Visionary Business University: www.vbu2010.com. I was thinking of YOU and the multitude of gifts you share while continuing to peel back the layers, exposing the 'essence' of life...in all its glory and all its pain. This is just a little reminder of your magic. Thank you!