
different paths of life that have all led me to NOW....

Today, I am aware of paths...the different paths my life has taken...Some lined with pebbles...begging me to STOP...TURN BACK...DO NOT PROCEED! Some lined with a softness of feathers...where I float in COMFORT AND PEACE...Others lined with lessons during a series of UPS AND DOWNS...while still others have been continuously lined with LOVE.
Today, I am aware of paths...the different paths my life has taken...all which have directed me to NOW...all which have made me the person that I am today...all that remind me of things that can be accomplished...lessons that have been learned...and dreams that are yet to be realized...
Today, I am aware of paths...the different paths my life has taken...and I honor each one of those paths...I would not change a thing...I value the lessons...the love...knowing that each path has led me who I am NOW at this very moment.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you honor each path that you have traveled...each path that has brought you to the You that you are NOW?

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