
there are...
birds that
can swim...
fish that
can fly.

Today, I am aware of difference...the idea that birds swim and fish fly...an old proverb...which simply means to me that I can look at things differently....that I can carry on doing things in quite a different way then I have been.
Today, I am aware of difference...that sometimes I hold on to the past ways of relating to many things out of habit...fear...or not making a conscious choice...that I don't see the blessings in the here and now...and the difference I can make by choosing to swim or fly...
Today, I am aware of difference...and how if I allow myself to taste of the pleasures that are offered to me I can release the blueprints of my thinking...
Today, I am aware of difference...I take a deep breath...I allow myself to swim when I think I should fly....and fly when I think I should swim...and to get caught up in the difference.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What can you do today, to swim when you think you should fly....or fly when you think you should swim?

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