bubbling gratitude...

around me...

Today, I am aware of bubbling gratitude...floating all around me....the softness of them...the light that shines from them...the feeling they bring my way....My heart feels centered...my heart feels tender....I shift myself into gratitude.
Today, I am aware of bubbling gratitude...I see the patterns...I am aware of the beauty...I am aware of the nourishment they bring me from the inside out...
Today, I am aware of bubbling gratitude...I do not cling...I do not grasp...there is no fear...I feel the beauty...the dreams...the hope...the love...the wisdom linking me to myself and others.
Today, I am aware of bubbling gratitude....and it floats around me and within me.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the bubbling gratitude floating around and in you today?

1 comment:

Cheryl Finley said...

Gratitude..and Grace overflowimg... so much to be thankful for.