
I am

Today, I am aware of joy...the joy that allows me to fly and sing my own song...this joy is allowing some of the difficulties around me to not be the center of my attention....and by taking a deep breath this morning I am reminded that my life is good....that this moment is warm...that I can rest here and enjoy and be grateful...appreciating...deepening...connecting. Being aware of the joy and happiness that surrounds me. Today, I will share this joy with others with great hope that they will also feel the warmth of this moment...and allow them self to fly and sing their song.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the warmth of your joy today and allow yourself to sing your own song?

Coming Together....

by time...
by space...
by dreams...
come together.

Today I am aware of the different sides to things...the different sides to coins...the up and the down...the in and the out...the good and the bad....the happy and the sad.....And how it is necessary to have both of these sides...for balance...for without one you would never know the would never experience ALL there is to would never know the true joy of life. As I ponder this I am aware that sometimes the different sides to things just come together....even though everything may happen in a different time...a different space...somehow, the answers ...the dreams...come together and form a bond that connects them in this moment ... this moment of just such a day!
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the coming together of the two different sides to bring you a positive message today?

startin anew....

I start

Today, I am aware of starting anew... a new day...a new energy...a new thought...a new series...a new emotion.... To grow...
Today, I am aware of starting anew...feeling light...feeling comfortable...feeling open.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you feel the warmth that allows you to feel anew?

capturing....a reflection

to capture
the colors...
and gentle
flowing shapes.

Today, I am aware of capturing that which inspires me...the beauty of the sky...the sun surroundings...looking within and see the colors and the gentle flowing shapes....Once again feeling myself fully engaged in my creativity with projects. Today, I am aware of capturing and filling my life with colorful creativity.
As I reflect on this week I am aware of the pull that Spring has been having on me...the brilliant blueness of the sky felt both inward and outward...the reaching out to balance...nurture..and remember intimacy...the feelings of trust and believing as paths appear before me and the colors...shapes and designs of magical growth...Today, as I reflect on this week I am aware that my Spring is blooming from the inside out.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Are you aware of your Spring blooming with color...with gentle flowing shapes from the inside out?

magical growth...

magical growth

Today, I am aware of growth....and the magic of it....especially the magic of the growth that takes place when I am completely unaware...the different colors of it...the different shapes...the different designs. How sometimes I am not aware that it has happened till after the power of it has brought new hope to my heart. When I am optimistic it appears easier to recognize my growth...I can focus on the present and take hold of the challenges seeing the growth as I move forward....Today, I am more aware of the unseen growth...the growth that magically takes place when I am not looking....this magical growth that changes me with all its' colors...shapes...and designs.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What growth can you acknowledge today, from within, that you magically have rediscovered happened when you weren't looking?


the many
before me.

Today I am aware of the many paths that I see before me....the dreams...the goals...the things I aspire to do....some of these paths are short....some of them are long...So, today, I ponder them...I stand in the middle thinking of the options available to me...looking from different views...different perspectives to see which path to travel first...which one would be right for the moment to walk down...To know that as I stand here today, and see these many paths I realize that only I can choose...only I can answer...only I can travel my own unique path...
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you stand in your center and see your different paths? Can you trust yourself to step out and walk down one?


to touch
to remember
to nurture
to balance

Today, my mandala came first....and it speaks to me of reminds me this morning of how I sometimes have lost track of it...because of obligations...past wrongs...words unspoken....
LIFE... I often believe as I go along with my daily routines that even without attention everything will always be AS IS....but today, I am reminded that even when I am on the same path with others...have the same goals and dreams that there can be gaps that must be crossed...filled..nurtured...balanced... in order to have the intimacy that I so desire. Today, as I am aware of intimacy I reach out in order to grow closer...I focus my attention...give way to my compassion...touch and remember to acknowledge the closeness of intimacy.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you cross a gap today and reach out intimately to another and yourself?

blue sky...


Today, I am aware of the blue sky....for the past several days SPRING has been in the air here in upstate New York...beautiful blue skies which bring good cheer...fresh air...warm sunshine...
growth...the sounds of laughter...people being busy...Today, I am aware of the blue sky...allowing me to be aware of the brilliance in my life...that no matter what is going on around matter if the clouds are gray tomorrow, no matter if the rain begins ...I am aware today, that by going inward I can see the sky ....a beautiful brilliant blue sky within.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you see the blue sky that is within you?

Resurfacing....A reflection...

reach out...
be present...
be aware..
be in touch...

Today, I am aware of resurfacing....still just below the surface I am rising up with intention...
to stay in touch with my inner voice, allowing me to hear my simplify and slow down...letting go of the need to be caught in the fast pace of the web I sometimes be conscious, of what I choose to allow in my reach out, and be supported and to nurture, those I love and be aware, of my surroundings and breathe of them be present, and face challenges as best I can and accept that there are some things that I cannot be silent, to give freely to myself my rituals and routines and relax within them....Today, I am aware of resurfacing....still just below the surface I am rising up with intention....
As I reflect on this week I am aware that all my affirmations have started with a R ...
Risking flight by letting go and realizing my truth...Refueling with optimism...power...and dreams...Reaching out...with thoughts and feelings...fears and dreams that I expose....and Remembering to honor myself and my dreams....
I am aware today, that the week has been preparing me to ready myself to Resurface.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What intentions can you set for yourself that will allow you to resurface today?

risking flight...

letting go...
my truth...
I risk
the flight.

Today, I am aware of risks...risks I take in my life....sometimes I hold back out of fear...fear of being rude...fear of being labeled...fear of being misunderstood or even rejected....But, sometimes I know I must take the risk ...the risk of flight... not knowing if I will offend anyone...not knowing if my words will fall on deaf ears...not knowing if I will be understood....because sometimes the message...the words...the fear just needs to come out in order to fly. When I realize that I must take the risk of flight in order to get to where I want to be....I also realize that I have a voice that wants to be heard.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What risk can you take today in order to fly?


are being

Today, I am aware of refueling....of consciously choosing to remain optimistic...of refueling myself with power..with positive intentions...with heart felt dreams...I am aware today, that I lose sight when I feel challenged....that I allow the negative to overpower me at times....So today, I am aware that I am refueling...I am feeling focused and positive....regardless of the challenges that surround me....I am moving forward I refuel with gratitude for all the wonderful things
that have come my way. Today, I am aware that I am refueling and I am feeling strong and encouraged as I journey forward.
Artfully Yours,

PS: How can you allow yourself to refuel in order to regain some of your power ...positive intentions...and heart felt dreams?

Reaching out...

as I
reach out.

Today, I am aware of my need to reach out....knowing that I seek a way to share my feelings and thoughts....dreams and fears....To express myself and allow my fears to dissolve and my dreams to manifest. Reaching out for support and love...allowing the energy that is bottled within to be released...allowing myself to trust that which is within and exposed will be honored and I will be comforted. Today, I am aware of my need to reach out so that I can be better prepared for the road that lies ahead.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you allow yourself to reach out today with your truth?


by remembering...
to honor
my dreams...

Today, I am aware of remembering my dreams.....Knowing that nothing can fill the void that appears when I ignore is too short to stop doing what I love ...Nothing will change today, with my remembering accept for ME....I will continue with my daily responsibilities, but I will leave more room to pursue my passion today....I will open up and start a new blossom...I will once again be filled with excitement...I will refill the void by remembering to honor my dreams.
Artfully Yours,

PS: What can you do to remember to honor your dream today?



Today, I am aware that I am emerging....slowly from the twist and turns of thoughts and emotions...I am beginning to feel as if I am once again letting myself FEEL....It is a process that I sometimes go through...not knowing what triggers it...not really knowing what stops me in my path sometimes....Today, I am aware of emerging....allowing myself to slowly unfold and pick up pen and paper...paint and words....listening...carefully to what is going on within...hatching dreams once again....I would like to think that I am always searching...always listening...but I know that is not really true....sometimes I just have to be quiet....I just have to stay on the outside...sometimes I just have to sleep....these last few days have been like that for emotional the sun shines and the air becomes warmer I too am feeling as if the spring within me is once again showing itself....and I listen....I allow myself to emerge slowly.
Artfully Yours,

PS: Today...can you be gentle with yourself....allowing yourself to emerge slowly?



Today, I am aware of being quiet enough to view with honesty all that has brought me to where I am today...both my successes and my mistakes. And although it is hard to look at some of these things it is also very important to honor both sides...I am aware of some regret but I also have a deep appreciation for what I have gone through that has brought me here...for without both sides I might very well be on a different path...With this honesty I am seeing my choices...and I am aware that my mistakes have given me an understanding of my lack of growth
and my successes have blossomed in front of me....Today, I am aware of honesty....knowing today, that with every blossom there is room for new seedlings ...and I look to them in order to pursue my dreams...
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you see with honesty both your successes and mistakes? Can you honor both?

all directions...

finding a center
in all directions
in order
to continue

I had taken a few days off from writing...from painting...from my life as I know it...And today, as I do my affirmation I am aware of all of my sometimes I enter onto a path that seems paved with "gold" with awareness...with wonder...only to find out that it sometimes has overwhelmed me...was to much fast...confusing and hard to handle...and although I feel a gratefulness for traveling it, I have to veer off...veer to the side...and move through my center to find my answers and fin a different direction to go in. These are not easy decisions that one makes...they cause tears and sorrow sometimes, even when you know that you are doing the right thing out of love...caring...and personal responsibility...and although the new path will not be without fear...without its own ups and downs...twists and turns...I can look finding out more about dreams...and I can still look backwards at times to see the lessons I have learned...and feel the love that I still carry with me for the path that I no longer walk...Today, I am aware of all of my directions...and I look backward to the one I am leaving and I am saddened...but I see a star in front of me that calls me forward...
Artfully Yours,

PS: Can you see the star in front of you today calling you forward?